Social Skills: Social Media Red Flags that REALTORS® Should Avoid

Social Skills: Social Media Red Flags that REALTORS® Should Avoid

Social media as a REALTOR® is no longer something you can do, it’s something you must do to enhance your brand and stay relevant.

A generation or so back, customers were perfectly willing to pull up to a gas pump, fill their tank and go inside the store to pay for the gas. Imagine now how many people would avoid stopping at a location because it didn’t allow them to pay at the pump.

Likewise, there are those that still contact a REALTOR® the old-fashioned way to buy or sell a home, but there is an ever-increasing number of buyers and sellers that go on social media to make a connection. And just as there are strategies to enhance a REALTOR®'s brand through social media, there are also precautions they must take to safeguard their job and reputation.


Poor Timing: Right Audience, Wrong Time

To reach your audience, you need to know the best time to post content. Just as good timing can be an asset, publishing information at the wrong time can be a critical mistake you might not be aware you’re making. 

Typically, websites aim to publish content between 5-7 a.m., assuming that some users maintain habits from the era of morning newspapers. Similarly, early-morning posts tend to perform well on Facebook. Conversely, platforms like Instagram see peak engagement between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m., coinciding with lunch breaks for many users. For social media channels like TikTok, which cater to a younger demographic, late afternoon or early evening posts are more effective, but weekends should be avoided.

In any case, there are certain times that work better based on your target audience, but if you post at the wrong time, your presentation may be largely overlooked simply because you targeted the right people at the wrong time. 


Impersonal Engagement

An effective strategy for REALTORS® is to create videos on social media that prompt viewers with questions. Encouraging comments can activate algorithms that boost your visibility. However, it's crucial to respond to your followers' comments without appearing arrogant, impersonal, or unrelatable. 

Maintaining a positive tone is paramount. When posting content with the expectation of eliciting comments, be prepared for potential negativity. Regardless of the feedback received, refrain from deleting or responding negatively to unfavorable comments. Instead, offer a positive alternative response without echoing the negative sentiment. Remember, your replies may be directed at one person, but they will be observed by a lot more.


Participating in Polarizing Issues

The perception your online presence creates can strongly influence potential clients, even before they meet you in person. Avoid delving into polarizing topics like politics and religion, as these can alienate segments of your audience and tarnish your professional image. Additionally, refrain from participating in heated debates on others' posts, as this can reflect poorly on your professionalism.

Maintaining a clear boundary between your personal and professional personas is essential. Consider creating a distinct REALTOR® profile separate from your personal online presence. By doing so, you can ensure that your professional image remains untarnished by any personal opinions or controversies, thus safeguarding your reputation and maintaining a welcoming online environment for potential clients.


Intellectual Property Violations

It might seem like common sense, but it's worth reiterating: always respect the intellectual property of others when sharing content on social media. With a vast array of content available online, it's essential to recognize that some of it is protected by copyright. Reposting without proper attribution or permission can lead to legal consequences.

Consider how you would feel if someone used your content without permission. To cultivate a trustworthy online presence, always attribute content to its original creator. You may be surprised at how receptive people are when you reach out to acknowledge their work and request permission to share it.

However, the best approach is to prioritize creating your own original content. Establish yourself as an expert by offering unique insights and perspectives, rather than relying solely on reposted material. By doing so, you not only avoid potential legal issues but also distinguish yourself as a thought leader in your field.


Inadequate Visual Content

In the REALTOR® world, video content is king. Listing videos offer prospective buyers a more comprehensive understanding of a property compared to static photos alone. Research indicates that even in video format, establishing eye contact fosters trust among consumers. However, while the benefits are evident, there's a critical "red flag" to avoid: neglecting to produce videos due to discomfort or concerns about presentation.

Challenge yourself to become familiar being in front of a camera. Social media algorithms, particularly on platforms like Instagram and Facebook, heavily favor video content. Platforms like TikTok and YouTube virtually require it for engagement. If a picture speaks a thousand words, a video can convey a hundred pictures' worth of information more effectively. Highlight the best aspects of your personality through video content, as it significantly enhances viewer engagement and perceived trustworthiness.

Variety is key to maintaining audience interest. Repetitive content, whether it's the same social media post or video, risks becoming stale. Rotate your content offerings regularly to provide fresh perspectives and maintain viewer engagement. Your audience will appreciate the diversity and creativity in your content calendar.


Inconsistent Posting

Consistency is key to cultivating a loyal audience on social media. Just as people develop expectations from consistent actions in their daily lives, they come to anticipate regular engagement from you on social media platforms. When followers encounter your posts consistently, they feel a sense of connection and reliability.

Make it a priority to respond to comments and interactions promptly. Acknowledge appreciation with gratitude and initiate further engagement by asking questions or offering assistance. If they “like” a buyer’s guide you shared, thank them and ask if they’re in the market for a new home. Social media provides a unique opportunity for personalized interactions, so seize it to foster meaningful connections.

Regular posting according to a well-defined schedule is crucial for sustaining audience interest. If you establish a pattern, such as sharing market tips every Wednesday morning, ensure that you adhere to it consistently. Inconsistencies in posting can lead to a decline in engagement and a loss of interest from your followers.

By consistently delivering valuable content, you not only retain your existing audience but also attract new followers. Conversely, inconsistency in posting can hinder your efforts to build a loyal following. Therefore, stay committed to your posting plan to keep your audience engaged and invested in your content.


Focusing on Just One Social Media Platform

While it's tempting to focus solely on a single social media platform to target specific demographics, expanding your presence across multiple platforms can offer valuable benefits. Rather than limiting your reach to a single audience, why not aim to cultivate diverse groups of followers across various platforms?

In the initial stages of building your online presence, concentrating on one platform may be prudent. However, as you grow and gain traction, consider the advantages of broadening your reach. Reaching a wider audience, even if they don't perfectly align with your ideal target demographic, can still yield valuable connections and opportunities.

Facebook boasts the most active user base, with its largest age group being 25- to 34-year-olds, making it an ideal platform for REALTORS®. However, don't overlook the potential of other platforms. YouTube's user demographics have evolved, with a growing audience that spans age and gender. LinkedIn may reach fewer viewers, but it offers unique demographics, including significant increases in Black and Latino users.

Even platforms like TikTok, predominantly popular among younger users, shouldn't be dismissed. While they may not be your primary target audience today, they represent future potential clients. By engaging with them now, you can establish rapport and brand recognition that may prove invaluable in the future.


Not Protecting Your Privacy and Security

While it might be tempting to share your busy schedule and upcoming appointments, divulging detailed personal or business schedules can pose significant risks, especially regarding personal safety and privacy. Rather than sharing such specifics, focus on content that showcases your expertise or provides insights into the housing market. This approach helps maintain a professional image without compromising your safety and security.

In today's competitive business landscape, understanding social media demographics is crucial. Remembering to post regularly, refraining from plagiarizing content, and developing a cohesive social media plan can greatly benefit your online success. Balancing public engagement with personal protection may seem contradictory, but it's essential in today's digital world.

As you continue to populate your social media platform with content, it's crucial to monitor engagement closely. Exercise caution with profiles that appear sparse, lack personal photos, or have been recently created. Vigilance in monitoring your interactions can help safeguard against potential privacy and security threats.