Alabama Realtors® Joins the Nation in Commemorating the Fair Housing Act in the Month of April
April 22, 2016
The month of April is important to the real estate industry as it commemorates our commitment to Fair Housing Laws. This year marks the 48th anniversary of the passage of the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968, which prohibited housing discrimination. Since then, our country and profession have come a long way. However, there is still more work to be done. The Fair Housing Act was just the beginning of a magnitude of steps to create equal and accessible housing across the nation and in our communities. The Alabama Realtors®’ commitment to Fair Housing policy is not only one month out of the year: it is a year-round commitment and is a part of everything we do and reflected in our Realtor® code of ethics.
The Fair Housing Act creates a national policy to protect the buyer or renter of a residence from seller or landlord discrimination. This act makes it against the law to refuse to sell, rent to or negotiate with any person because of that person's race, color, religion, sex, familial status, handicap or national origin. While the Fair Housing Act has made it possible for all to be treated equally when they are choosing real estate to rent or purchase, individuals should also expect the following when searching for a home: all housing prices and a broad range of housing choices be made available, no discriminatory limitations on communities, no discriminatory limitations in the financing, appraising or insuring of housing and reasonable accommodations in rules, practices and procedures for individuals with disabilities.
“While Fair Housing issues are constantly evolving, the month of April is an opportunity to recommit to our responsibility as Realtors® of helping ensure fair housing and accessibility for all,” said Alabama Realtors® President Shawn Reeves. “As leading advocates for homeownership, Alabama Realtors® partners with local leaders in our communities and state to support fair, accessible and equal housing opportunities and policies.”
The Alabama Association of Realtors® (AAR) is the largest statewide organization of real estate professionals comprised of over 13,000 members. United by adherence to a Code of Ethics, our members work as real estate professionals in the sale, lease, appraisal, management and development of residential, commercial, rural and resort properties throughout Alabama.