REALTOR® Right of Redemption Bill Receives Final Passage and Heads to Governor’s Desk
February 19, 2018
Rep. Kerry Rich
Sen. Clay Scofield
HB 90, sponsored by Representative Kerry Rich (R-Guntersville), received final passage last week. It passed the Senate unanimously Tuesday with a vote of 27 to 0.
Senator Clay Scofield (R-Arab), who sponsored the Senate version of the bill, introduced the House bill on the Senate floor and explained this bill would bring clarification to the right of redemption period and would provide a technical amendment to the statutory redemption law to clarify certain timelines during and following the foreclosure process. HB 90 does not propose changes to any existing timelines in the current law. The bill is now awaiting Governor Kay Ivey’s signature.
Alabama REALTORS® supports HB 90 and its efforts to further clarify the right of redemption period.