Landlord Tenant Bill Advances
March 19, 2018
Last Wednesday, HB 421, sponsored by Representative David Sessions (R-Grand Bay), received a favorable report from the Senate Committee on State Government.
Under existing law, a tenant is entitled to four curable breaches of his or her lease in a 12-month period and allows notice to terminate a lease to be set at seven days after the notice.
As introduced, the bill would terminate a lease after three days, down from seven. However, after much debate on the House floor, Representative Sessions accepted a House floor amendment to keep the notice for termination at seven. In its current form, HB 421 still changes the number of curable breaches from four to two in a 12-month period.
HB 421 now goes to the Senate floor for consideration.
Alabama REALTORS® supports HB 421 because it allows tenants flexibility while better protecting landlords from frequent breaches to lease agreements.