State Board of Education Report
August 13, 2018
On August 9, the Alabama REALTORS® Public Policy team attended the State Board of Education (BOE) meeting in Montgomery to monitor for impacts on the real estate industry and property owners. The State BOE has the responsibility of overseeing our schools, and the quality of our school systems affects the real estate industry, economic development and property values in Alabama.
Business Meeting
In the meeting, BOE members approved several resolutions. University Place Elementary School (Tuscaloosa City School System) and Barkley Bridge Elementary School (Hartselle City School System) both received resolutions for Achievement of Distinction for being the first schools in their respective school systems to achieve advanced STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) certification. To become certified in STEM, a school must demonstrate that it uses STEM strategies throughout the school as required by AdvancED standards. AdvancED is a non-profit organization that accredits primary and secondary schools throughout the United States.
In his State Superintendent Report, Dr. Eric Mackey highlighted the Jobs for Alabama’s Graduates (JAG) Program, based off the national Jobs for America’s Graduates model. JAG identifies and provides educational support and success strategies for Alabama’s highest at-risk students by partnering JAG-eligible students with educational specialists who mentor and equip the students with what is needed to graduate and succeed after high school. JAG operates 27 programs across the state serving over 1,000 students in grades 9 to 12.
Dr. Mackey reported that Alabama received the national Jobs for America’s Graduates “Five of Five Award,” an award that very few states receive. This award recognizes states and sites for achieving or surpassing all five of the performance outcomes listed below for the JAG students:
National Percentage Standard |
Alabama Percentage |
Graduation Rate | 90% | 98% | |
Positive Outcomes Rate | 80% | 90% | |
Employment Rate | 60% | 67% | |
Full Time Jobs Rate | 60% | 91% | |
Full Time Placement Rate | 80% | 98% | |
State Board of Education Background
The BOE was established in 1919 to set policies and regulations for the state's public school system. The board is comprised of nine members. Governor Kay Ivey is president by virtue of her position as Governor, and the remaining eight members are elected to four-year terms in partisan elections from single-member districts of the state with similar populations. A state superintendent of education is appointed by the board to serve as its secretary and executive officer over the State Department of Education.
The AAR Public Policy team will continue to monitor state regulatory agencies for potential impacts on REALTOR® members, the real estate industry and private property owners.