September State Board of Education Report

September State Board of Education Report

On September 12, the Alabama REALTORS® Public Policy team monitored the State Board of Education (BOE) meeting in Montgomery for impacts on the real estate industry and property owners.  The State BOE has a tremendous responsibility in overseeing our schools, and the quality of our school systems affects the real estate industry, economic development and property values in Alabama.

Business Meeting 

In the meeting, the BOE approved various resolutions, but there were a few resolutions of note: 

  1. A Resolution Commending Connie Wallace from the Florence City School System as Recipient of the 2019 Robert L. Morton Award
  2. A Resolution in Recognition of Scott Taylor Morris from The Montgomery Academy in Montgomery as Alabama’s 2019 History Teacher of the Year
  3. A Resolution Recognizing September 2019 as Alabama Attendance Awareness Month
  4. Approval of the Alabama State Department of Education Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 Operating Budget
  • This is the operational budget as appropriated from the State Legislature and is slightly less than last year’s operating budget. Most of the operating budget is allocated for personnel costs, including an employee pay raise of two percent. The 2020 FY begins on October 1 of this year. 

State Superintendent’s Report 

In his State Superintendent report, Dr. Eric Mackey announced that the new layout of the state school report card is live on the department’s website, which includes more information on students and teachers and is more user-friendly. The new and improved design also allows comparisons of a maximum of four different school systems side by side. The information reflects the 2017-2018 school year. You can see the new layout of the state report card here. The 2018-19 school year data will be released on October 18. 

Work Session 

Dr. Mackey presented the 2021 FY budget proposal during the BOE work session following the State BOE meeting. The FY 2021 Education Budget proposal will include an increase of $300 million to put more money in the classrooms by funding additional teachers and support.

The 2021 FY Budget proposal will be voted on at the next BOE meeting on October 10, 2019. The FY 2021 Education Budget is due to the Governor’s Office on November 1, 2019 and must be approved by the State Legislature during the 2020 Legislative Session, which begins on February 4, 2020. 

State Board of Education Background

The BOE was established in 1919 to set policies and regulations for the state's public school system. The Board is comprised of nine members. Governor Kay Ivey is president by virtue of her position as Governor, and the remaining eight members are elected to four-year terms in partisan elections from single-member districts of the state with similar populations. A state superintendent of education is appointed by the Board to serve as its secretary and executive officer over the State Department of Education.

The AAR Public Policy team will continue to monitor state regulatory agencies for potential impacts on REALTOR® members, the real estate industry and private property owners.