AAR Board of Directors: Updates Remote Online Notarization, REALhealth, AREC Potential Extension

AAR Board of Directors: Updates Remote Online Notarization, REALhealth, AREC Potential Extension

Dear AAR Directors, 

On behalf of President Morgan Ashurst, we are writing to provide several important updates:

  • Governor’s Emergency update- Remote, online and virtual notarization: This afternoon Governor Ivey updated her Emergency Order to provide further emergency guidance on several issues. Within the EO and follow up to our last writing on this subject from last Friday March 27, Governor Ivey broadened the ability for remote, virtual online and virtual notarization of documents to occur without the involvement or direct supervision of attorneys. This will allow more title companies and others to help facilitate closings and refinancing’s through virtual means. This is a big deal- thank you to Governor Ivey and her staff for making this happen.
    • RealtySouth issued a great press release on Tuesday of a successful closing using remote and virtual means. This is positive news and a great example that business can continue under these circumstances.
  • REALhealth: Earlier today, an early enrollment period was sent to existing participants of AAR’s health and wellness plan. An all member email and open enrollment information will be sent next Tuesday April 7. The cost savings for many members continues to be significant. More information about plan options and price comparisons of the AAR Plan compared to a generic individual Blue Plan can be found at the AAR Realhealth page here. More information to come next week.  
  • Real Estate CommissionExtension of Deadline for CE: AREC met this morning via conference call to consider providing further relief for licensees and extending the renewal deadline to later in the year- AREC has confirmed that the deadline will be extended to December 2020. AREC is also considering the “in person” class room requirements for general CE to be consistent with recent changes that allow virtual classes for pre and post license courses. AAR has requested one consistent approach which would allow virtual classes all CE during the pandemic, whether it is pre license, post license, or general elective CE. This will allow the widest possible access for members and licensees to fulfill their education requirements during this pandemic. If schools, colleges and other educational entities cannot meet in person during this time and foreseeable future- it’s difficult to expect members and licensees to attend classes in person to fulfill CE.  AREC will post the official rules on this for licensees on the AREC website very soon.  

We will have more information and updates as they develop. Please reach out to Morgan, Slade or me if you need anything from us or AAR. Stay safe and healthy.

Warm regards, 
