AREC Holds Virtual Monthly Meeting, Extends Test Deadlines
May 26, 2020
The Alabama Real Estate Commission (AREC) held its monthly meeting via Webex on Thursday, May 21. At the meeting, commissioners heard from Director Vaughn Poe, discussed an extension for test-takers, and held hearings on six requests.
Director’s Report
Executive Director Vaughn Poe gave a report on AREC’s finances and the end of the legislative session. According to Director Poe, the commission’s financial picture is as expected during a pandemic, with expenses down due to limited travel by staff but income also down due to fewer temporary salesperson licenses. Director Poe did not know whether AREC would receive any of the COVID-19 funds set aside for state agencies.
Director Poe also informed the Commissioners that the Alabama Senate confirmed new commissioners - Terri May, who serves in the consumer position, and Jimmie Ann Campbell, who will replace Danny Sharp for the 2nd Congressional District seat in October.
Testing Deadline Extended
The Commission also extended the test deadline by six months for those eligible to take the salesperson exam on March 1, 2020. According to Ryan Adair, AREC’s Education Division Director, PSI, the vendor that handles the exams, was closed for almost six weeks and is still facing limitations on the number of exams PSI can administer.
While the Commission has mostly been able to conduct all business virtually, hearings on complaints have largely been placed on hold. The hearings on Thursday were limited to three applications to determine licensing eligibility, one application for a reciprocal salesperson license, one application for a salesperson temporary license, and one hardship request to renew a lapsed reciprocal salesperson license. Commissioners approved four of the requests, denied one, and one failed for lack of a motion.
The Commission will meet next on June 25 at 9 a.m. in Montgomery. The meeting will be held in person at the Commission’s building, with measures taken to comply with social distancing guidelines.