AAR Board of Directors: Meeting on September 14, 2021 at 9:30am
August 27, 2021
Dear AAR Board of Directors,
We are looking forward to seeing you at the Board of Directors Meeting on Tuesday, September 14, 2021 at 9:30am at the Alabama Association of REALTORS® Building at 522 Washington Avenue, Montgomery, AL. Sign in will begin at 9:00am.
In follow up to my last correspondence on August 13, one of our workgroups completed several recommendations this week which were approved by the Executive Committee and are being sent to the Board of Directors for consideration. The recommendations are from the Governance Work Group which worked throughout the summer to review many aspects of the Association’s governance. Here is a brief overview of the proposed recommendations from the work group:
• Motion 5:Amends and reorganizes Section 1 to better incorporate who we are as a state association including aspects of the Code of Ethics Preamble, the vision statement, broad policy framework; updates to policies for consistency, general updates, and revisions.
• Motion 6: Amends and reorganizes Section 2 to update duties as directors, conflict of interest, general updates, and revisions.
• Motion 7:Amends and reorganizes Section 3 to update member duties, general updates, and revisions.
• Motion 8: Amends and reorganizes Section 4 to update and summarize standing committees, work groups, task forces, PAGs, recurring task forces, wholly owned subsidiaries, general updates, and revisions.
• Motion 9: Amends and reorganizes Section 5 to update the REALTOR® Day at the Capitol and Annual Meeting outlines.
• Motion 10:Amends and reorganizes Section 6 to reflect the reduced footprint in education, update the education school, REBAC license and GRI program.
• Motion 11:Amends Section 9 updating the timing and method of presentation of awards pending further review.
• Motion 12:Proposes a scrivener clean up that would make consistent references to the Alabama Association and National Association of REALTORS® throughout the Policies and Procedures.
Please let us know if you will not attend the Board of Directors meeting. This meeting is for the 2021 AAR Board of Directors. Space and overflow seating will be limited. The attire is business casual, and we will have a barbeque lunch following the meeting at 12:00pm for everyone in attendance. Please reach out to myself, President-Elect Wes Grant, CEO Jeremy Walker, or Sharon Callahan prior to the meeting if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions.
Thank you for your leadership, support, and service on the Board!
Warm regards,
Slade McElroy
2021 President
Alabama Association of REALTORS®