A Letter From AAR President Wes Grant
February 22, 2022
Dear Alabama REALTORS®,
I hope this letter finds you off to a great start in 2022! It was great to see many of you for REALTOR® Day earlier this year. The Alabama Association of REALTORS® (AAR) is hard at work and remains focused on the long-range strategic plan. I am writing to provide you with several updates as we begin 2022.
First, the 2022 Regular Legislative Session is underway in Montgomery. AAR’s Public Policy team is advancing legislation that is good for our members and opposing legislation that may be harmful to our members and their businesses. As you know, this is one of the most important functions the state association plays each year on behalf of our members and requires an all-hands-on-deck approach from AAR’s leadership and staff whenever the legislature is in session. One of the big agenda items this year is the renewal of the First-Time Home Buyer’s Savings Account program. Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to participate in the Call for Action to encourage members of the Alabama House of Representatives to support this legislation as soon as possible. If you have not yet participated, you can reach out to your Representative here.
Second, 2022 is Alabama’s big state election year which occurs once every four years and is a high priority for the Association to support and elect pro-business and pro-growth candidates who understand the importance of a thriving real estate market to Alabama’s economy. All state constitutional offices, legislative, judicial, and several other races will be on the ballot, along with federal and local elections. The primary election will be on May 24. Thank you to all our members who have shown such strong support in investing in the Alabama REALTORS® Political Action Committee (ARPAC). Your continued investment in ARPAC will help give real estate a larger voice in state elections this year. ARPAC endorsements will be released later this spring, prior to the primary elections on May 24.
Third, the qualification deadline for AAR’s 2022 elections for 2023 Elected Office will be later this fall, as it has been for the past three years. The specific qualifying deadline will be August 1, 2022. Elections for all of AAR’s Officer positions, Regional Vice Presidents, Board of Directors, and National Directors will be held. Approximately 25 positions in total will be elected. The election will be held electronically prior to AAR’s Annual Meeting. More information will be published later this spring including applications for elected office approximately 60 days prior to August 1, 2022.
The Association is aware of several inconsistencies between the Association’s bylaws, policies and procedures, and current Association practice and has formed a Presidential Advisory Group (PAG) on Elections to explore the best way to address these issues going forward. Prior to the completion of the Election PAG’s work, pursuant to Bylaw Article IX, Section 8, and in the balance of equities, the Association’s Executive Committee has voted to maintain the status quo and a fall qualifying date (as approved by the General Membership in 2019 for the 2019 Elections, AAR Board in 2020, and Executive Committee in 2020) until the matter is fully vetted by the Elections PAG and reported back to the leadership, Board and Membership for disposition. As reported following December’s General Membership meeting, this issue was considered and received a majority vote but not a 2/3 majority required to pass and was recommended to be sent back to a workgroup for further deliberation. This is the course of action the Association has taken.
The current fall qualifying deadline has worked well for three years without incident or complaint for over 80 positions for AAR elective office. The old March 1 date is currently reflected in the Bylaws. Immediately moving the qualifying deadline back to March 1, prior to the Elections PAG completing its work, may disenfranchise and confuse the members who have become accustomed to the qualifying deadline in the fall of the year, as it has been the last three years. There are approximately 25 elected offices up for election each year and a considerable number of members who are interested in participating. The Executive Committee is charged with helping maintain policies that are in the best interests of all members. To ensure the greatest fairness to all candidates and maintain stability and consistency to allow the Elections PAG to conduct its work, pursuant to authority conferred in the Association’s Bylaws, the Executive Committee has voted to maintain the fall qualifying deadline of August 1, 2022.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to me if we can be of assistance to you or answer any questions you may have about any of this information. Thank you for everything you do for our Association and in your communities. God bless you and your families.
Warm regards,
Wes Grant
2022 President
Alabama Association of REALTORS®