2023 Member Services Survey Summary

2023 Member Services Survey Summary

The Alabama Association of REALTORS® conducted an all-member survey on member benefits, resources, and services, along with a few other industry relevant issues. We appreciate everyone who took the time to participate in the survey. A summary of the results can be found below.


Most Valuable Member Benefits

25% of respondents listed “Public Policy” as the most valuable member benefit AAR offers. Other benefits making up the top 5 were “Statewide Legal Forms,” “Legal Helpdesk,” “Real Estate News and Information,” and “Consumer Awareness.” It is worth noting that our recently introduced market statistics report, the Alabama Economic and Real Estate Report, managed to secure the 6th spot out of 9, despite just being launched in January. See below for the full ranking of the most valuable member benefits, according to this year’s survey: 


  1. Public Policy
  2. Statewide Legal Forms
  3. Legal Helpdesk
  4. Real Estate News and Information
  5. Consumer Awareness
  6. Alabama Economic and Real Estate Reports
  7. Errors and Omissions Insurance
  8. REALHealth and Wellness Insurance
  9. Alabama REALTORS® Foundation

Market Confidence

32% of respondents answered “somewhat confident” when asked about their confidence in the real estate market and economy over the next year. 18% of respondents answered, “very confident,” while only 6% answered “very concerned.” 13% are neutral, answering “neither confident nor concerned.”


Biggest Industry Issues

34% of respondents ranked “Limited Inventory” as the number one issue they’re facing in their real estate market. 26% ranked “Economic Uncertainty” as number one. Both “Rising Interest Rates” and “Housing Affordability” were ranked by 18% as number one. Less than 1% of respondents ranked “Tighter Lending Requirements” and “Limited Access to Capital” as number one. There was an “Other” option allowing respondents to write in issues. Popular answers were “too many real estate agents,” “unprofessional and untrained agents,” and “misinformation from the media.”


Areas of Practice

  • 94% of respondents work in the residential market
  • 23% specialize in resort, condominium, and second home properties
  • 44% specialize in new home sales and construction
  • 29% specialize in rural and recreational land sales
  • 26% provide commercial services
  • 18% provide property management services

Note: respondents could select multiple areas of practice.


Years of Experience

76% of respondents have been in the real estate business for more than 5 years; 20% between 6 to 10 years; 24% between 11 to 20 years; 18% between 21 to 30 years; and 14% over 30 years.


Company Status

54% of respondents are qualifying or associate brokers, owners, or both; and 46% are agents.