Maximize Your Social Media Using These Tips

Maximize Your Social Media Using These Tips

Scrolling through Instagram Reels or TikTok videos, you’ve likely encountered a Kansas REALTOR® who has grown an audience of 21,000 followers from around the world who enjoy her Tuesday Tips. Sure, most of her followers are not likely to call on her to sell their home. Her notoriety, however, brings positive exposure among her local audience and strengthens her brand. Her brand, of course, is herself and her folksy style of delivering weekly frugal hacks for home decorating and maintenance.  Occasionally, a reel features a listing but the real mission is to bring you to her Facebook page where she employs many of the most successful social media tools around.  

Social media in real estate is no longer something you can do, it’s what you must do to enhance your brand, stay relevant, and showcase both your listings and your REALTOR® superpowers. Here are eight strategies to help you maximize your social media platforms:


Keep It Local

Home sales are not just about square footage and layouts.  Especially in areas around larger cities, you’re selling the town or the community along with its lifestyle, schools, restaurants and shops.  REALTORS® likely know their territories better than the town councilman.  Use your connections to local businesses, people and events by promoting them and tagging them whenever you visit. Clients will see the positives and get a sense of a community’s vibe. Don’t forget to tag concerts, festivals, farmers' markets, fundraisers and other feel-good events.


Engage Your Followers

Don’t just be a talking head. Ask your followers for their opinions.  Everyone has one and the trick is to get them to play along.  A winning engagement tool is called “this or that.”  Post a couple of photographs of two completely different kitchen styles or backyard decks and pose the question. Which of these would be your ideal – this or that? Generating comments triggers the algorithms that push your content up in the feed and increases your exposure. You also will see what your followers care about. Use that information to tailor future posts.


Talk Back

If you’re lucky enough to engage a follower, appreciate and respond to their comments. Leaving a commenter hanging misses an opportunity to further engage them. If you establish a connection that prompts questions, direct them to private messaging to keep your on-screen comments tidy and on point. Direct messaging provides an opportunity to further explore a potential client’s needs and timeline.

Don’t ignore the bad comments either. Turn them around to a positive using your best manners. Example comment: That house is way overpriced and needs a lot of updating. Response: Thank you for your feedback.  I’m sure there is a house that both fits your budget and taste. I’d be happy to work with you to find your perfect home.  Notice, the response does not use any of the negative words from the original comment.  Keep it positive.


Be the Expert

Most potential clients have questions and you have answers. Use your knowledge base to answer the most frequently asked questions in one or more posts or videos. Better yet, answer questions based on real life scenarios. Example:  Last week a first-time homebuyer asked about programs that may be available to help.  Response: Fortunately, Alabama has several plans to assist first-time homebuyers through tax-free savings accounts for purchasing a first home and down payment assistance. Elaborate on programs and offer to help others along the path to homeownership. Followers will see you as an expert they can turn to when buying or selling a home.


Be the Star

No one can sell you and your brand quite like you. Short videos on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok are your chance to show your personality along with your expertise. A ring light, phone tripod, and smart phone are all you need to dip your toe into the sea of videos on social media. Give some thought to your content and make a video.  Share it with some trusted friends for feedback and refine your production until you’re ready to post. If your budget allows or you have a willing friend or family member, bring in someone to handle the camera and make your video more active. Of course, you can hire a professional to produce and record videos especially if technology is not your forte.  These short social media videos, however, are appealing because of their simplicity. Give it a try.


Punch Up Titles and Captions

Practice creating titles and captions that create urgency or pique curiosity.  According to real estate advice website, followers respond to urgency or a fear of missing out.  Examples: Good for One Day Only or See This Listing Before It’s Gone.  Curiosity prompts clicks when you tease followers with a title like The Secret REALTORS® Share with Their Top Clients.  Whatever title you choose, keep it under 60 characters and make it pop with action words or alliteration like Discover a Decorator’s Dream or Charming Countryside Cottage.


Be Consistent

Video content like the Kansas Realtor’s® Tuesday Tips thrive on consistency.  If too many Tuesdays come and go without tips, followers lose interest and engagement drops.  Plan social media posts you reasonably can fit into your schedule and make sure they are a priority.  When social media users choose to follow you, they expect to see new content so don’t disappoint them. 


Fill Your Toolbox

Information is your most valuable tool in social media posts. Whether your platform is Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), YouTube, Instagram, or TikTok, keep your content fresh and relevant with research and tips already prepared for you. The Alabama Association of REALTORS® monthly Economic and Real Estate Report summarizes the key real estate market data specific to Alabama. On the national level, the National Association of REALTORS® offers its Economists' Outlook featuring housing stats and data as well as other useful tips you can use in your social media content.

A robust social media plan is not in every REALTOR’s® comfort zone, but can you afford to sit on the sidelines? The National Association of REALTORS® 2021 Realtor Technology survey found that 53% of respondents say that social media is one of the most valuable technology tools they use. A quick internet search finds scores of companies offering social media templates and content priced from free to $500 per month with lots of price points in between. Whether you go it alone or enlist a pro, social media may be just what you need to move the needle on your sales and listings meter.