2023 President Farewell: RaJane Johnson

2023 President Farewell: RaJane Johnson

Dear AAR Members,

As I reflect on my time as president of the Alabama Association of REALTORS®, I realize how vital teamwork is in achieving our collective goals. I am thankful for the opportunity to lead and work alongside some of the best leaders and teammates in the country.

The state of Alabama prides itself on developing champions, whether it’s in the realm of sports or the real estate industry. We work hard to win through education, preparation, execution, and teamwork. I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to Jeremy Walker, our executive director, and his exceptional team, our dedicated executive officers, directors, and committee members. Each one of you gave 100 percent effort to champion our goals.

Looking back, I believe we can call this past year a winning season for Alabama REALTORS® and their clients. Our team achieved the passage of crucial legislation, altering two real estate practices – prohibiting the 40-year listing and implementing necessary regulations on wholesaling practices. The Alabama REALTORS® Foundation awarded educational scholarships to 14 students who are children or grandchildren of AAR members. The Foundation also provided financial assistance to members and their families in need through our Benevolent Fund. In times of hardships caused by illness, accidents, catastrophic events or death of a loved one, it’s it's comforting to know that we have resources available to lend a helping hand.

It has been an incredible honor to serve as your leader during this season. Each one of you is a champion in my eyes.

Senia Johnson, our new president, is exceptionally well-prepared and poised to guide AAR through another triumphant season. She will be an outstanding leader and I look forward to cheering her along every step of the way.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for everything.


Ra Jane Johnson Signature[14]