Bruce Sanford: 2023 Robert Jemison Award Recipient
December 8, 2023
Bruce Sanford is described as an “able and willing servant” to his profession and his community. The 30-year veteran REALTOR® is Qualifying Broker-Owner of Bruce Sanford Real Estate, Inc., in Boaz, and was awarded the 2023 Robert Jemison Award by the Alabama Association of REALTORS®. The award is given in honor of Robert Jemison, the first Alabama REALTOR® to serve as president of the National Association of REALTORS® (1926). It recognizes the long and valued service of REALTORS® or REALTOR®-ASSOCIATES for a minimum of 15 years to Alabama REALTORS® and their local board/association and who have never served as Alabama REALTORS® president, president-elect, secretary, or treasurer. Sanford’s selection for the award was announced at AAR’s recent annual conference at The Lodge at Gulf State Park in Gulf Shores.
Throughout his three decades in real estate, Sanford has served the Alabama Association of REALTORS® on key committees including Federal Policy, Public Policy, Bill Reading, Issues Mobilization, Planning, Governmental and Political Affairs, Grassroots, Grievance, and Site Selection Task Force. Sanford also actively served on and supported the Alabama REALTORS® Political Action Committee. In 2018, he was honored as Alabama REALTOR® of the Year. Among his designations earned are GRI®, Graduate REALTOR® Institute, and ABR, Accredited Buyer Representative. Sanford also earned the Platinum Club Top Agent Award.
The Marshall County Board of REALTORS® nominated Sanford for the award also citing his commitment and work on behalf of the organization where he served two terms as president, 12 years as a member of the Board of Directors, and on the Grievance Committee. He served in important roles such as Mediation Moderator, Ombudsman, Area Leadership Director, Governmental Affairs Director, and ARPAC chair.
Sanford’s commitment to his local and state real estate organizations is only exceeded by his community service that extends to a very personal level. He served two terms as mayor of Boaz. He is a founding board member of Shepherd’s Cove Hospice. As a hospice chaplain, Sanford visits the terminally ill and often presides over their funeral services. He invests his time and resources helping a group of local children with special needs insuring they have a meal once a week and food to take home.
Sanford described his feelings when he received the award. “I was humbled and felt honored, period. I had a brief moment of reflection on my years as a REALTOR® and volunteering for our local, state, and national organizations. I’ve been blessed. I have no regrets and the Good Lord pointed me in this direction. Things that come across in your life, if you reflect back, you see our Lord and Savior can intervene in your life and direct your path.”
Sanford’s advice AAR to members: Don’t be on the outside looking in. “One of my first meetings – a salesmanship conference – I didn’t know anyone.” Sanford made the decision to get involved and that has been an asset for him.