Association Partners: May Reminders
May 3, 2024
Dear Association Partners,
We hope you’re all doing well. Please see below the reminder for the next call and other reminders.
- AE call will be held on Monday, May 13th at 2:00pm. Please let me know if you have topics of discussion or requests for information or assistance.
- AE Reports: Please take a moments to complete the Education and Events Report for the second quarter of 2024. We use this information with your permission to help promote Local Board's education offerings. Facilitate any speaking requests and fill out the ARPAC monthly reports.
- Don’t forgot to check out the Resource Page for Local Board Presidents, Local Board President-Elects and Association Executives: https://www.alabamarealtors.com/who-we-are/governance/local-board-resources
- Login required – contact Melissa for assistance with login credentials.
Thank you, and we hope you all have a great week!