AAR Board of Directors: March Update and Information

AAR Board of Directors: March Update and Information

Dear AAR Board of Directors, 

On behalf of President Morgan Ashurst, we are writing to share several important updates during an unprecedented time and set of circumstances. In the span of 7-10 days, our world has changed dramatically. Earlier this week, AAR sent out several important updates to members. Information can be found below:  

  • Resource Page: AAR has set up a Coronavirus Resource Page for issues affecting real estate in Alabama. The information contains Legal FAQs, Business considerations for members, and other state and national resources updates. The information will be updated frequently- if you have a question, please email us.
  • Leadership Correspondence: In case you missed it, all member emails from AAR President Morgan Ashurst and the Association can be found here and here.
  • Legal Forms Coronavirus Addendum: Legal staff is working with counterparts in other states to develop an contract addendum to address complications due to the COVID-19 pandemic. That information will be published Tuesday in Real Estate Alabama. 
  • Real Estate as an Essential Service: Earlier today, AAR and a coalition of real estate, construction and banking groups submitted a request that real estate and related activities be included as essential services should Alabama follow stay at home orders issues by California, New York and other states. Some states have excluded real estate activities in emergency orders and declarations. It is essential for our members and the consumers they serve that real estate services continue in Alabama. 
  • State Legislature: The Legislature adjourned for spring break last Thursday. Given the orders from the CDC, Department of Public Health and others, the end of the 2020 Regular Legislative Session appears in jeopardy. Both the House and Senate will return on March 31 to make a final decision and much can change over the next 11 days as we have seen. This may require one or more special legislative sessions later this year to pass budgets and consider any other emergency legislation to help with the pandemic.
  • State Elections: In another unprecedented move, earlier this week the Presidential Primary Run Off Elections were moved from March 31 to July 14 to protect the health and safety of citizens during this pandemic.
  • AREC: AREC has made immediate modifications to cancel upcoming in person meetings, and modifications to CE classes. Other measures and future updates can be found here.  AREC has also announced a search for their next Executive Director. The deadline for applicants is April 3; more information can be found here.   
  • Nationally, NAR’s May Mid Year Legislative meeting has been cancelled due to pandemic; virtual meetings will be held instead. NAR has been busy advocating for our members in Congress. Specifically for the inclusion of our members in the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, small business owners and independent contractors in economic relief and stimulus packages. A summary of that information and impact on our members can be found here. Their work is just beginning NAR is aggressively pushing forward for the passage of a National Online Remote Notarization Act. Additionally with HUD’s 60 Day Moratorium on Evictions and Foreclosures to assist families and workers affected by the pandemic, NAR is advocating for a relief package to assist property owners, landlord who are equally being damaged by unpaid rents as a results of the 60 day pause. More information can be found here

We will have more information and updates coming as things unfold. Please reach out to Morgan, Slade or me if you need anything from us or AAR. May God bless you and your family during this time.

Warm regards, 
