Fact Sheet from the Trump Administration

Fact Sheet from the Trump Administration

“We have the best doctors, the best military leaders, and the best logistics professionals anywhere in the world. And we’re orchestrating a massive Federal response unlike anything our country has ever seen.” 
– President Donald J. Trump 


The White House provided the fact sheet below, which provides a partial overview of Federal assistance provided to the State of Alabama and the people of Alabama to combat COVID-19.

 Overview: Response and recovery efforts are locally executed, State managed, and Federally supported. Successful emergency management requires nationwide cooperation and unity of effort, combining the strength and ingenuity of our citizens and private sector with a sweeping, all-inclusive, and whole-of-government response. The below is a partial overview of Federal assistance provided to the State of Alabama and the people of Alabama to combat the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). The information is bolstered by hundreds of additional actions by the Federal government to help the people of Alabama. Implementation of the CARES Act is ongoing and will also bring additional support to Alabama. President Donald J. Trump and Vice President Mike Pence have appreciated the strong State-Federal partnership with Governor Kay Ivey.