AAR Seeking Candidates for NAR Region 5 RVP

AAR Seeking Candidates for NAR Region 5 RVP

Alabama REALTORS® is seeking members that are interested in serving the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) as the Regional Vice President (RVP) of Region 5 in 2026. Region 5 includes Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. RVPs serve on the NAR Executive Committee; serve as NAR spokespersons; attend their region’s conferences; and chair the regional caucuses held at NAR’s two annual meetings.


Qualifications and Guidelines for Regional Vice President Candidates

The Regional Vice President is an Officer of the National Association of REALTORS®. The role of the Regional Vice President is to focus on the issues and specific duties that support NAR initiatives and effective decision making at the national level, as directed by NAR.


Regional Vice President's must meet the following requirements:

  • Have served within NAR’s governance structure within the past five (5) years;
  • Have earned and maintained active status for C2EX or another designation offered by NAR or an Institute, Society, or Council;
  • Have completed At Home with Diversity, Fairhaven, and Implicit Bias training;

  • Have completed anti-harassment and diversity equity and inclusion training as directed by NAR prior to taking office.

  • Have other REALTOR®, civic or government experience indicating leadership ability;

  • Have served in NAR governance on a national committee; and

  • Have served in at least one of the following positions:

    • State Association president

    • National president of an NAR Institute, Society or Council

    • Currently serving as an NAR Director

    • Have served as an NAR Director for a minimum of two years within the past six years

    • NAR appointed Vice President

    • Committee liaison; or

    • Committee or advisory board chair or vice chair (does not include forum).

Interested candidates should complete the below application, by October 16, 2023 at 5:00pm.